Kid Icarus Map Select
Labeled Maps

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World 1 Screen from Stage Image Size Image Type
Stage 1-1 Stage 1-1 Screen Shot

29 KB
512 x 2880

Stage 1-2 Stage 1-2 Screen Shot 35 KB
512 x 3360
Stage 1-3 Stage 1-3 Screen Shot 49 KB
512 x 4800
Stage 1-4 Stage 1-4 Screen Shot 43 KB
2048 x 1344
World 2 Screen from Stage Image Size Image Type
Stage 2-1 Stage 2-1 Screen Shot 47 KB
7168 x 480
Stage 2-2 Stage 2-2 Screen Shot 47 KB
7936 x 480
Stage 2-3 Stage 2-3 Screen Shot 47 KB
7680 x 480
Stage 2-4 Stage 2-4 Screen Shot 70 KB
2048 x 1344
World 3 Screen from Stage Image Size Image Type
Stage 3-1 Stage 3-1 Screen Shot 22 KB
512 x 2640
Stage 3-2 Stage 3-2 Screen Shot 32 KB
512 x 3360
Stage 3-3 Stage 3-3 Screen Shot 34 KB
512 x 3840
Stage 3-4 Stage 3-4 Screen Shot 83 KB
2048 x 1776
World 4 Screen from Stage Image Size Image Type
Stage 4-1 Stage 4-1 Screen Shot 44 KB
7061 x 240


Kid Icarus Box Cover Front


Get ready for the action and adventure of Greek Mythology translated to the Video Age.

Far away in a kingdom called "Angel Land" the evil goddess Medusa has stolen the Three Sacred Treasures and imprisoned the goddess of light, Palutena. As Kid Icarus, your mission is to find the treasures, destroy Medusa and rescue Palutena from the depths of the Palace in the Sky.

To find the treasures you'll travel through ruins collecting weapons and storing power for use in combat against creatures of Medusa's army. Use your bow and arrow to ward off gatekeepers of the Underworld, Overworld and Skyworld as you strive towards your battle against Medusa. Will you survive to restore Palutena's light and return it to "Angel Land"? Only you know.

Kid Icarus Box Cover Back



  1. Continue: Press B, A, then B on Controller 1 after a game over, but before title screen appears.

  2. Lower Prices in Shops: Inside a shop, press A + B at the same time on Controller 2.

  3. Reduce Enemies: Always leave one enemy in each room in the Overworld. Every time you go back to that room, there will still only be one enemy in that room. This continues to work even after you have saved your game and come back to it.

  4. Unlock the Endings: The following stats affect your ending. Your Heart count (999 hears), Health Blocks (5 blocks), Arrow Power (5 arrows), and Enchanted Weapons (3 weapons).
Max out 4 stats 1- Best Ending
Max out 3 stats 2- Grown Angel Ending
Max out 2 stats 3- Captain Ending
Max out 1 stat 4- Guard Ending
Max out 0 stats 5- Farmer Ending


Game Genie Codes

1. ZAKSXTPA Small hearts worth 2 energy points
2. IAKSXTPA Small hearts worth 5 energy points
3. GPKSSVZA Big hearts worth 20 energy points
Kid Icarus is a trademark of Nintendo of America Inc.


Memory Address Codes

  Address Value Effect
1. 00A6 FF Always have full life
2. 0728 70 Invincible
3. 014F 63 Have 99 mallets
4. 0150 63 Have 99 angel's feathers
5. 0151 FF Have 8 water barrels
6. 014E 01 Have credit card
7. 0152 20 Have 5 strength
8. 0153 02 Have mirror shield
9. 0154 02 Have arrow of light
10. 0155 02 Have wings of pegasus
11. 013B 01 Have pencil
12. 013A 01 Have flaming torch
13. 00A7 10 Once you use a feather, it never runs out of time


Have 999 hearts


Have 9,999,999 total score


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